nuccyl version history ====================== 1.5.2 (050304) -------------- - Fixed a bug that prevented nuccyl to correctly process nucleic acids with palindromic sequences, or containing nucleotides with identical type and name belonging to different chains. - Chain name information has been added to the name of cylindrical objects created by the "nuccyl -cyl_3" command: cylinder name syntax is now chain_typebase (i.e. the cylinder representing residue U8 within chain A is now called A_U8 instead of just U8). 1.5.1 (040803) -------------- - support for additional modified nucleotides (AET, G7M) 1.5 (040602) ------------ - Added new command "nuccyl -filled" for generating filled base representations of nucleic acids. - Support for all modified purine and pyrimidine nucleotides within current PDB entries. - Run lengths are now printed by nuccyl commands. - "nuccyl -1/-2d/-2r/-3" syntax changed to "nuccyl -cyl_1/-cyl_2d/-cyl_2r/-cyl_3" 1.4 (040430) ------------ - Added option not to create individual base cylinder objects in order to speed up work with large structures. 1.3 (040429) ------------ - nuccyl now automatically detects unpaired nucleotides and outputs corresponding cylinder information. 1.2 (040428) ------------ - Fixed a bug with atom numbers above 999999 and residue numbers above 999. - "nuccyl -3" now outputs an extra file "nuccyl3.problems" where all warnings and errors are logged. 1.1 (031120) ------------ - Added the ability to extract DNA base pair information from 3DNA output. 1.0 (031002) ------------ - First public release.